Witching Hour for Babies

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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What time is it?

The witching hour (or any other time when a baby becomes extremely fussy) is often between 5 and 11 pm daily. During this time, calm methods that work in other areas of the day do not seem to be as effective.

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This fussiness is usually seen starting around 2 to 3 weeks. It then peak at 6 weeks and resolves by 3 to 4 months.

How can you help babies get through the witching hour?

1. This video is for you!

This will teach you how to soothe a baby who is frustrated during witching hours. It is so soothing for both baby and you!

2. Avoid overtired babies.

From birth through 12 weeks old, newborns can become tired very quickly. This is especially common in the afternoon or evening. Overtired babies release adrenaline and cortisol into their bloodstreams, which can put them in fight-or flight mode. It is almost impossible to fall asleep when babies are most in need of it. Then, the never-ending cycle begins.

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3. Go outside.

Babies feed on the emotions of caregivers. Babies feel stress and fatigue when they are feeling it. They will relax into our arms if they are calm.

Sometimes, even a simple walk outside can make all the difference in a hectic evening. You can take your mind off of the daily chores at home and just breathe. The calm you feel when you go outside can also calm your baby. As he mirrors your emotional state, your slower heartbeat, deep breathing, and clear head can have a direct impact on your baby.

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4. Reduce stimulation

Your baby spent the past 38-40 weeks in a womb. There were no faces, lights, or voices, and there were no eyes to see. He has now entered the world, and it is very stimulating …. Especially in the late hours of the night. Consider what is happening in your house during this time. Older children are returning from activities, daddy returns from work, dinner needs to be prepared, and lunch to pack. Your little one may find the hustle and bustle overwhelming. This type of overstimulation can cause a newborn’s nervous system to go into overdrive and then the crying cycle of the newborn witching hours begins.

5. Make use of motion.

Your baby was rocked and moved whenever you walked in the womb. This was so comforting for your baby! You can babywear, use a swing or place your child in a mamaroo. This motion could be just what she needs to get through this witching hour. (Ensure she is properly buckled in.

6. Cluster feed.

Babies who nurse for 2.5-3 hours every day may prefer to eat dinner more often in the evening. That’s okay! It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a shortage of milk. This time of the day can cause slower milk flow, so be patient! Relax and you will find that the milk will flow more smoothly.

7. Take a bath together.

Grab a towel and a baby washcloth and get in the tub. Running water can calm fussy babies instantly. Place your baby on your stomach/chest, and then place a warm washcloth over the baby’s head. You should make sure that the water is hot enough to keep your baby warm.

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8. Ask for help.

People WANT you to succeed.

It is hard to imagine someone wanting to hold your baby while you are at work. This is your baby and you might not want to do it every day. Is it really fair for someone else to help you in this manner? Is this not too much to ask?

Mama, it’s not. It’s not. Your family and friends WANT to support you. The cry of your baby can be distressing. This does not feel overwhelming for an outsider. The outsider got a restful night last night and is now going home to a peaceful house.

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9. If you feel overwhelmed, make a plan.

You can feel angry or frustrated by your feelings, so put your baby in a crib.

Okay, now point at four objects. Now, stop and take a deep breath. Take a look at four things that are round. Name them aloud. You can also see a tire and a rock. A wreath shaped on your front door

This is why? This helps to switch gears in your brain, and allows you to think clearly.

  1. This is what you should say aloud: “There’s no better parent for this baby than I.” It couldn’t be done better. There is no one who could do it better.

Your baby’s crying is not an indication of your character. She doesn’t love you, she LOVES you. He wouldn’t want a better parent, but you are the best for him.

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This is a temporary phase. This nervous system is still in its infancy. This stage of the newborn witching hour will pass.