These are 5 Tips for Buying Baby Clothes Before You Have a Baby

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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1. Buy larger sizes

People love to give baby clothes to new moms. Chances are that your friends and family will be more inclined to buy you clothing in the newborn or 0-3 months sizes. Here’s the truth: Most newborns won’t fit in a newborn size even though they are born. And if they do, they can quickly outgrow that size in just a few weeks or days.

Remember that newborns only stay awake for 45 minutes, so you may need basic onesies at that age. You will probably need them in the future, so stick to clothing sizes 6-12 months.

2. Take advantage of sales

It takes nine months for a human to be born. Summer clothes will be available for purchase if you are due in May. Take advantage of the low prices while you still have the option, but be mindful of seasonality.

You’re more likely to be motivated to buy clothing before your baby is born than when they are crawling or crying. So make sure you stock up while you can!

3.Opt to purchase “easy” clothing

It’s easy to get caught up in the cuteest things (and yes, you can totally buy some cute stuff!) But when your baby arrives, you will want clothes that are easy to put on and take off. Look for clothing that has snaps and zippers, elastic pants, or shirts you can quickly put on and take off.

Baby buttons can cause a lot of gnashing and irritation. It can take babies a lot longer than you think to put on clothing. For mid-of-the night changes, zip and snap pajamas are important.

4. Don’t forget about the “other” clothes

Although it’s tempting to stick with onesie, your baby will require other clothing, such as bodysuits, socks and hats, pants, PJs and swaddles. If you are planning to purchase clothing, it is better to get the “others” than the onesies. Most people will give you onesie as gifts.

Remember that a baby’s bottom will be required when they are wearing a shirt. It’s important to cover your baby even if they are wearing a onesie. These are great pieces to have in your stock.

5. Be gentle whenever possible

The material you choose to use will be softer the smaller the outfit. Babies, especially newborns are still adjusting to the world around their bodies and may have sensitive skin. Some clothing materials can cause them to get a rash. This is something that moms should be aware of.

Organic clothing is made from softer materials than other types (plus it reduces the contact with potentially hazardous chemicals). Or, you can opt for pieces that don’t have tags, which can cause skin irritation.