Baby Health: Is radiation from a wireless baby monitor safe?

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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Baby Health: Is radiation from a wireless baby monitor safe?

It is important for parents to be aware of the dangers wireless baby monitor safe can pose to their baby’s health. Monitors and baby monitors can be extremely helpful in keeping an eye on your child and detecting Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) signs. The more features your baby monitor has, the more radiation your child will be exposed.

We recommend that you carefully evaluate the features you need and not just the marketing hype before you purchase your first baby monitor. You might be exposed to radiation levels that can prove dangerous for your baby. Safety for baby monitors

We consider safety and health of your child paramount. This is why we have included a health score in our detailed reviews of the top baby monitors.

Are Baby Monitors a Health Risk for Babies?

Each baby monitor transmits audio and video signals using a variety of radio frequencies. There are many radio frequencies that can be emitted by different monitors, and each model could pose a potential danger to your baby’s health.

In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, an international organization that is part in the World Health Organization (WHO), stated that radio frequency radiation could be a cause of cancer.

Modern baby monitors operate at frequencies ranging between 1.89 GHz and 2.4 GHz. These frequencies are similar to those used by WiFi routers and microwaves, and they can emit high levels of radiation.

Particularly baby monitors that have an ongoing video signal emit strong bursts (microwave radiation) when they are powered on. Even when in standby mode, these bursts can occur up to 100 times per minute.

See also  Which Baby monitors are not recommended for purchase

What are the Health Risks and Side Effects of Baby Monitors?

The skull of a baby is thinner in order to allow for its continued growth and development until around the age of 20, when the brain is considered fully developed. The electromagnetic radiation effects on a child’s brain during this period are very harmful to their brain.

This image shows how electromagnetic radiation can be absorbed by a child’s skull versus that of a 10-year old and an adult when placed next a mobile phone.

Even small amounts of electromagnetic radiation can have long-lasting effects on a baby’s brain, which is rapidly developing. Here are some side effects and dangers of high levels of electromagnetic radiation.

  • Brain development that is incomplete or not optimal.
  • Disruption in a baby’s sleeping cycle.
  • Negative effects on the immune system
  • Negative effects on the reproduction system

For babies whose brains and bodies are still developing, these side effects can be magnified. A 2012 study by Andrew Goldsworthy (a former lecturer at Imperial College London) found that autistic spectrum disorder (ASDs) have increased 60 times in recent years. According to the study, this increase can only be explained if there are changes in our environment.

We are more susceptible to electromagnetic radiation now that mobile phones, WiFi routers, and low-frequency field from domestic appliances are becoming increasingly common in our daily lives.

How can you protect your child from baby monitor radiation?

Two important factors can help reduce radiation exposure from baby monitors.

  1. Opt for a low frequency monitor
  2. The monitor should be placed at a safe distance away from the baby’s bed.
See also  Target Baby Monitors: Your Ultimate Guide

Monitors with low-frequency radio frequency (RF)

Look for a baby monitor with a low frequency (35-50 MHz) that emits radiation. These low-frequency monitors emit analog frequency modulation (like an FM Radio) that doesn’t pulse with short bursts.

There is a tradeoff. However, the lower emission monitors are safer but have lower signal quality , which can lead to some issues.

  • Video and audio quality might not be as good.
  • The signal quality rapidly deteriorates and isn’t able to transmit well through walls.
  • Interactive features such as music trigger and two-way voice communication will be reduced.

Some digital baby monitors can now switch between low-frequency audio and high-frequency video depending upon your needs. They can also be voice activated so that you only use the higher frequencies when necessary. For more information, see our Eufy SpaceView review.

Safe distance for baby monitors from crib

It is also recommended to place a wireless monitor 6 feet (6 meters) away from the crib. According to research, digital cordless baby monitors emit nearly the same radiation levels as a cellphone tower located 500 feet away / 150 metres away. Monitors less than 3.2ft / 1m from a baby’s crib emit almost equal levels of radiation.

Are there safe baby monitor models?

To be 100% safe, you will need to rely only on your eyes and ears. You must also protect your child from any radio or electromagnetic frequencies. You can no longer use WiFi, cell phones, or microwaves.

However, this is not practical. A baby monitor is incredibly useful for parents to keep an eye on their child and take care of the rest of the household.

See also  The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Baby Monitor

Low-emission baby monitors are best if you are worried and need to minimize interference. There are two types of monitors:

  • Low-emission analog baby monitors: These are the lowest levels of emission. Analog monitors operate in the 49 MHz frequency range, meaning they transmit only sound and not video.
  • Digital baby monitors that emit low levels of electromagnetic radiation: These monitors offer an alternative to analog ones and have a frequency range between 1.89 GHz – 2.4GHz. Recent digital monitors offer the ability to reduce the frequency of electromagnetic frequencies using voice-activated features. As mentioned, the Eufy SpaceView is an example of this.

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