Tips for parents: How to raise your toddler’s behavior

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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Toddlers can find it difficult to cope with everyday life. Young children are often eager to be independent but they can’t always express their needs or move as quickly as they would like. Children also have difficulty coping with compromise, limits, and disappointment. This can lead them to misbehaving and tantrums.

You can help your toddler behave well by teaching them love, rules, and a sense of routine. These are some practical parenting tips.

Show your Love

Your child’s affection should outweigh any punishments or consequences. Your child will be reassured by your affection through hugs, kisses, and good-natured roughhousing. Your toddler may also be motivated by praise and attention.

Prioritize Rules

Instead of imposing too many rules on your child from the beginning, which can frustrate them, prioritize safety-oriented rules and add more rules as time goes by. Childproofing your home will help your toddler to follow the rules.

Prevent Tantrums

  • Temper tantrums are normal in toddlers. Reduce the intensity, frequency and duration of your child’s temper tantrums.
  • Know your child’s boundaries. You might find that your child isn’t understanding or unable to do the things you ask.

Explain the importance of following the rules. Instead of saying “Stop hitting,” make suggestions on how to make play more fluid, such as “Why not you two take turns?”

Accept ‘no’ with grace Do not react negatively when your toddler says “no”. Instead, calmly reiterate your request. Your child might be distracted or made to play a game of good behaviour. If you make the activity enjoyable, your child will be more inclined to follow your lead.

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Pick your battles. Your child will get frustrated if you don’t say yes to all of their requests. Find times when you can say yes.

When possible, offer choices. You can encourage independence in your child by letting them choose a pair of pajamas and a story to read at bedtime.

Avoid situations that could cause frustration or anger. Don’t give your child toys or games that are too complicated. Do not take your child on long outings where he or she has to be still or cannot play. Instead, bring something for them to do. Children are more likely to behave when they are tired, hungry, sick, or in unfamiliar surroundings.

  • Keep to your schedule. You can give your child a routine every day so they know what to expect.
  • Encourage communication. Encourage communication. To avoid frustration, you might teach your child sign language.