questions about “shared parenting” after divorce

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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Are children really able to benefit from shared parenting after divorce or not?

Yes. This has been proven by over 50 studies: lower levels in depression, anxiety, and dissatisfaction; less aggression; less alcohol and drug use; less smoking; better school performances and cognitive development; better physical and mental health; and better relationships with family members. While some studies do not show any benefits to shared parenting, others show a greater benefit than children under the sole custody of one parent. Children do better with shared parenting than sole custody, even when parental conflict is taken into account. A panel of leading child development experts answers the burning.

Experts agreed that the evidence was so overwhelming it could not be ignored.

One possible mechanism is shared parenting, which allows weak parenting to be balanced by strong parenting by the other parent in families with a parenting deficit. This means that children with shared parenting have two chances for strong parenting while children with sole custody only have one. Research on child development shows that children develop multiple attachments to their parents, so any problems in one parent’s relationship can be fixed by the other. You should also be aware that parenting quality may vary over time. Shared parenting allows one parent to take the reins when the other parent is busy.

Another possibility is that two parents are more socially connected than one.

Sharing parenting arrangements offer greater flexibility to accommodate the changing needs and interests of children.

It is crucial to take the time necessary to build a relationship. Experts say that it is possible to create and nurture a relationship with your new spouse by spending only alternating weekends together.

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Research has also shown that children prefer spending time with both parents. Children who live in shared arrangements have better outcomes, which could partly explain why they are happier.

What amount of time should children spend with each shared parenting?

There is consensus in literature that 35% of a child’s time must be spent with their parent to have a good relationship. Because it allows both parents to be involved in various activities such as homework and bedtimes, overnight time is crucial.

Research has also shown that children are happier when their parents have joint legal custody. This shows that children are more likely to see the symbolic benefits of having a second parent involved in crucial life decisions.