Ten Baby Care Tips For Every New Mum

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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1. Practice self-hygiene

To avoid any infection or other allergic reactions, wash your hands and change into clean clothes every time you pick up your baby.

2. Hold your baby right

Your baby’s head should be supported by your arm, with your other hand supporting her spine. You can use your other hand to feed your baby, pat her cheeks, or simply keep it gently over your chest or stomach.

3. Don’t vigorously shake your baby

Did you know that shaking your baby can cause brain injury? You won’t be able to comfort your baby or put her to sleep if you shake her. Instead, rock her gently side to side while singing a lullaby.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Your newborn is not ready to play rough. It’s not a good idea to throw in the air or jig the baby on your knees.

5.Give skin-to-skin contact:

Your baby must feel the journey from the womb to the outside world. Give your baby enough skin-toskin contact to make it easier. This will allow her to feel your warmth and bring you closer to her mother. The baby’s heartbeat was all she heard in her womb. Holding your baby close can help her feel more secure, and allow her to relax. Kangaroo care can be done by dads as well. Learn 5 reasons dads should be practicing kangaroo-care.

Talk to your baby often

Talking with your baby has many hidden benefits. Talking to your newborn can help in brain development, and it will also make it easier for your baby to learn words. It also improves your bond with your baby. This simple act can help combat baby blues. You can also read 6 ways you can help your baby talk.

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7. Check the diapers

This should be done often. Every four hours, check on the diapers. Healthy newborns will urinate quite often. Diaper rashes can be caused by a dirty diaper. Learn how to prevent diaper rashes.

8. Feed on Demand

During her first year, the only things your baby will need are good nutrition and adequate sleep. It will be difficult to sleep because your baby is supposed to sleep 16 to 20 hours per night, but she may not get enough. You will hear your baby call for a feeding every two hours. You should be able to provide a meal on-demand.

9.Regularly sterilize breast pumps and bottles.

Sterilize feeding bottles at least once a day. Don’t forget to sterilize any parts of your breast pumps that are able. Don’t forget to wash the teats. Wash them well before each feed if you can. To ensure breastfeeding is safe while you’re away, learn how to use a pump.

10.Ensure proper umbilical cord care:

Your newborn baby would have a part of her umbilical cord attached for at least 10 days, or up to three months after birth. This is a delicate area and should be taken care of. To keep it dry and speed up healing, apply medicated powders as directed by your doctor. To avoid pressure, make sure your baby is wearing loose clothing. Continue with your routine of care until the area heals completely. Learn how to clean your newborn.

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