Breastfeeding is not a solo job. A partner’s support is essential

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Written By NewtonPatterson

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Rebecca Bain was a breastfeeder for her first child. One thing that Rebecca Bain found difficult was her husband’s lack of support. It was so hard that her husband’s negativity made it difficult for her to nurse her baby for the first eight weeks.

Rebecca, who lives in Suffolk, UK, says that he had many difficulties establishing feeding. He was also unsupportive.

“I felt very alone, and I felt that I couldn’t talk about the issues with him because he was so unkind. My husband’s insupportiveness affected the length of my breastfeeding.

I was fortunate to have a husband who supported me when I struggled with breastfeeding both of my babies. He came along to see a specialist and his encouragement was one reason I was able continue to breastfeed until I was ready to stop. This was at five months.

It is important to have a partner who supports breastfeeding
He says that “the evidence is growing that even the smallest amount of intervention with dads can make an important difference in the rate of breastfeeding at six week and beyond,” citing Australian trials.

The 2013 trial revealed a 6.4% increase in breastfeeding rates for those fathers who had attended breastfeeding sessions.

Dr. Sherriff says it is important to help partners understand breastfeeding better.

“Working with fathers can have a real effect on continuation rates, which is better both for the baby as well as the mother.”

This awareness may help them avoid putting pressure on mothers to switch to formula if they feel the situation isn’t working out or if they don’t feel able to bond well with their baby.

Dr. Sherriff also believes it is important to show your partners how you can support them in practical ways. They can attend classes together to help them with their positioning and domestic work.

He admits that breastfeeding can be very difficult and sometimes it’s about just being around. “3 a.m. Nursing can be very lonely and miserable — it’s nice to have someone to talk to.”

He advises partners of mothers who are breastfeeding to learn about the process and get support during the first few months. If the mother wishes to continue breastfeeding, she can do so again later.

He suggests that this support should be provided by trained professionals. However, even reading about the process can help.

He also said that fathers and partners can advocate for mothers when others are putting pressure on them to stop nursing. She can also rely on her mother and other health professionals for support.

Kristen Morenos, a woman who relied on her husband, lives in Augusta, Georgia with her spouse Stacia. Kristen was encouraged by her mother to switch to formula, but Stacia stood up to her.

She said, “Without her support I would have likely given up.” “No one seemed to be supporting me.” My mother kept repeating to me that everyone has to use formula at one point. The pediatricians were only concerned with numbers. She was not gaining on her own curve, and she had lots of wet and soiled diapers.

Kristen, whose Sawyer daughter was born one year ago, stated that breastfeeding has been a challenge.

“Lactation consultants kept telling me that I had a lazy child, which was very discouraging.”

Stacia was there to support her through it all. She also hired a new counselor for breastfeeding to visit her house and stayed with her during the consultation to help with positioning.